Thursday, 29 April 2010


I have found myself falling in love with the radio.
 It seems odd that a simple, and even somewhat traditional, medium of media 
has sparked such an interest in me, but it has.
 I will admit that I mostly cheat and listen to podcasts, however, it has the same desired effect. 
I am subscribed to numerous podcasts,

 I sit in a little room, with no windows, in a basement office. 
I have a small lamp, with a natural light bulb,
 trying to (subtly) fool myself that there is an inkling of light coming into the office. 
The days are long.

Though when I put in my headphones, I transport myself into not such a lonely place. 
Suddenly, I am surrounded by people and voices and I find myself
 listening, thinking, laughing, crying and loving. 
The art of storytelling is so wonderful. 

I was brought up in a home where the radio was like white noise. 
My mother would come home and make dinner listening to “The Archers”, a radio soap opera.
 I never listened, though, the memory of the voices can still be heard in my mind. I remember on 
Saturday mornings the voice of the local radio DJ, resonating through the kitchen, 
spreading news about our community. 

The radio has become this wonderful, new emerging area of media. 
It now reaches to the internet, where you can follow the stories further and have visual images 
of the people that have shared a story with you. 
Podcasts make sure that you never miss an episode of your favorite broadcast. 
You are able to catch that five minute short story told by a willing stranger. 

I find myself longing for a movement back towards the simple pleasure of storytelling 
and bringing back this sense of community. 

*image: here