Friday, 8 January 2010


I am not particularly a “trend follower” or someone who tends to jump on the band wagon. However, this being said I am going to have to second the flow of information and blog posting on the movie Food, Inc. It has been life changing to our little family.

It is so different when you see visuals of the truth, it becomes so much harder to deny it. The movie reveals the truth about the food industry within the country and it was extremely disturbing and exhilarating at the same time. We watched it a couple of months ago and it has been wonderful to focus some of our resolutions and new beginnings around our health and what we eat.

It is are what you eat. Our family has felt so much better in the last couple of months. We are eating meat very sparingly, at the most only once or twice a week. We made a family decision that we did not want to be vegetarian (not yet anyway!) , but we did want to know where our meat was coming from. We wanted to make sure that the animals we were consuming, were humanely treated and raised, before they provided us with nourishment.
This means we have adjusted our food budget a little but it has been worth it. The meal plans have been much more fun to put together too and it is fun trying new recipes!

For the time being we have only been purchasing our meat from Wholefood markets. However, this still worries me a little. I am much more interested in purchasing our meat directly through local farmers, maybe buying our meat in bulk. I recently came across this local farm and I am very interested in pursuing more information. I will let you know how it goes.

No fast food. From personal experience I have seen how fast food has been detrimental to my life. Coming from the country side in England, where the closest fast food restaurant was a good 20 minute drive away, to living with it on every corner for the past 9 years in the me I have seen the change!

I would highly recommend everyone to watch this movie, it is great. There are disturbing images and I found myself nauseated and crying at times.
I could not sleep that night either!(I can be a little sensitive when watching shows)

However, it is well worth a watch. As I said it has been life changing for us, and we are more dedicated to what we feel is right for our little family.

p.s - you can watch it instantly if you have Netflix.