It has been a fun filled weekend. We had a family outing to the Zoo on Saturday and it was so enjoyable but we forgot our camera so we could not document it. Hogle Zoo has had a summer of births and there were a number of baby animals. To see the new baby elephant that was born on August 10th was quite an experience. It was so adorably small. It was wonderful to witness people flocking in awe to capture a sight of this new creature.

Amira loved the baby tigers and Cleo loved the baby crocodiles.
The Giraffes are always my favourite. They are so long and unusual looking, yet so graceful and convey such a sweet spirit. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the baby giraffe.

I have such mixed emotions about zoos. It is such a wonderful teaching opportunity for us, to learn about animals and their habitats. To know what animals are important to our ecosystem, and what animals are endangered and are nearly extinct. I even learned of some new animals that I had never heard of. However, it still upsets me to see a big black bear pacing back and forth in a stone cage and a bald eagle in a cage unable to soar over the mountains.
*Photos courtesy of Hogle Zoo