One of the things I have always loved about Utah since I moved here 9 years ago are the seasons. Coming from a place where it practically rains every day, the seasons tend to merge into each other. In Utah, the four seasons are so distinct. I love the changing of the seasons.
It is now Autumn and I love how the feeling in the air changes. It is harvest time, when the earth is brimming with nourishment, preparing itself for the hibernation it will endure through the winter. What a wonderful time of year. Almost like the finale of a grand concert. The trees provide us with their best performance of grandeur and beauty, displaying extravagant colored costumes. The cooling air brings the security and comfort of sweaters and soft blankets.
The clear distinction between the seasons also create a feeling of change. It is a period where we seem to naturally clean and organize, not only our homes and environment but our thoughts and emotions. I welcome Autumn with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.