Thursday, 10 September 2009


It is hard to believe that I have lived in America for 9 years now. That is nearly a decade of my life. Although I am enormously homesick for my green hills and rain, the US is also now my home. I know that in certain ways, this country will never be my home., it can never be what England is to me, however, a feeling has been growing in the last year.

What a wonderful time to live in the US. It is almost possible for me to feel the patriotism that I witness so strongly through friends and family. I know that they are difficult times for the US - the economy is on the downside, unemployment, the country is at war, etc. However, to look at it from a positive side is so exhilarating,

I am impressed with the desire of change. I am impressed that President Barack Obama is trying to reach out to the American people. He is speaking to the school children of this nation, the next generation, and encouraging education, strength and dedication. I believe that he is trying to light a fire inside each and every one of us to believe that this country can do great things again.

Putting aside our political beliefs and sidings and just remembering what brings this country together is what we need. Reading the beginning statement of the Constitution and remembering the promises that this country has been built on - to form a more “perfect” union, to insure domestic tranquilty and to promote general welfare.

We do not and obviously will not agree with every political decision that is made but at least we can identify and witness the great possibility of change. What a wonderful era to live in and for our children to grow up in. A time of courage, strength and dedication. How proud we can feel that we live in a country that has the freedom to evoke change and reform.